ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR--Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception René Jagnow is Associate Professor of Philosophy. He completed his Master’s degree at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 1996 and received his Ph.D. from McGill University in Montréal in 2003. Before coming to UGA in 2006, he taught as Visiting Assistant Professor at Middlebury College in Vermont. Dr. Jagnow’s research interests lie mainly in the area of the philosophy of mind and, more specifically, the philosophy of perception. He is particularly interested in the relationship between the phenomenal character of perceptual experiences and their representational contents. Most recently, he has been working on questions about depiction and pictorial experience. In his seminars, he often covers topics in contemporary philosophy of mind, including the nature of consciousness and the relationship between mind and world. In addition, he has also taught seminars on Wittgenstein, Husserl, and pictorial representation. Research Research Interests: Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Perception Aesthetics Phenomenology Selected Publications Selected Publications: “Multisensory Experience of Paintings,” Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics (forthcoming) “Experiencing Atmospheres in Paintings,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 2024: 82(1), 18–35. “The Particularity of Photographic Experience,” Theoria, 2023: 89(2), 216– 231. “Twofold Pictorial Experience,” Erkenntnis, 2021: 86, 853-874. “Representationalism, Double Vision, and Afterimages: A Response to Işık Sarıhan,” Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2020: 20(3), 435-451. “Depicting Depictions,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 2017: 98(S1), 453-479. “Can We See Natural Kind Properties?” Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Special Issue on the Philosophy of Mind, 2015: 44 (2), 178-205. “Facts in Ethical Space: Wittgenstein on the Waxing and Waning of the World,” in Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, vol. 22, eds. Sonja Rinofer-Kreidl and Harald Wiltsche (Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2014), 141-43. “Color Discrimination and Monitoring Theories of Consciousness,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2012: 90 (1), 57-74. “Representationalism and the Perspectival Character of Perceptual Experience,” Philosophical Studies, 2012: 157 (2), 227-249. “Ambiguous Figures and the Spatial Contents of Perceptual Experience: A Defense of Representationalism,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2011: 10 (1), 325-346. “Shadow-Experiences and the Phenomenal Complexity of Color,” dialectica, 2010: 64 (2), 187-212 “How Representationalism Can Account for the Phenomenal Significance of Illumination,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2009: 8 (4), 551-572. “Disappearing Appearances: On the Enactive Approach to Spatial Perceptual Content,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2008: 46 (1), 45-67. “Critical Essay of Lisa Shabel’s book Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Reflections on Mathematical Practice,” Philosophia Mathematica, 2007: 15 (3), 366-386 (invited). “Edmund Husserl on the Applicability of Formal Geometry,” Intuition and the Axiomatic Method, eds. Emily Carson and Renate Huber (Dordrecht: Springer, 2006), 67-85. “Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry,” in Husserl and Stein, eds. Richard Feist and William Sweet (Washington, DC: CRVP Press, 2003), 57-87. Courses Taught Courses Regularly Taught: PHIL 2500 PHIL/ARTI/PSYC 3550 PHIL 4310/6310 PHIL 8310 PHIL 8010