The Richard H. Severens Scholarship is an annual award intended for philosophy majors in the Honors program who have demonstrated overall academic excellence and quality of writing in philosophy. The scholarship will be in the amount of $1400. To be eligible for the scholarship you must be a junior or a senior who is in the Honors program with a GPA of at least 3.15. The scholarship recipient must be in good standing with the Honors Program at the time of application. Application Process Applicants should submit the following information via email to by Monday, March 31, 2025: A current curriculum vitae (resumé) A writing sample, such as an essay you have written for a philosophy course, or a description of what you plan to do in your philosophy honors thesis if you are currently enrolled in PHIL 4990H (Honors Thesis). If your philosophy honors thesis is already complete or in draft, then you may use all or part of it as your writing sample. Honors thesis plans will be a criterion in awarding the scholarship. Please also include your US mail and email addresses and your UGA ID number. Selection Process: Scholarship recipients will be selected by the Philosophy Department Awards Committee. DEADLINE: MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2025