The UGA Philosophy Club hosts weekly meetings as well as book club and movie nights. This semester, the book club covered selections of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, and Boethius’ The Consolation of Philosophy. An inaugural movie night screened Hannah Arendt, the 2012 German biopic directed by Margarethe von Trotta about the renowned 20th century Holocaust survivor and political philosopher and journalist whose writings on totalitarianism and the nature of evil hold particular poignancy in current times. An additional movie night is being planned before the end of this semester. UGA's undergraduate philosophy students also manage an Instagram account promoting upcoming events and faculty and student awards, and highlighting the world of philosophy, including famous philosophers and current UGA students. Follow @ugaphilosophy on Instagram to keep up. The deadline for UGA philosophy students to apply for undergraduate awards and scholarships for the current academic year is 5pm, Monday, April 11, 2022. For details on available awards, criteria, application, and selection process, visit the Department of Philosophy web page. Type of News/Audience: Undergraduate News