Alex Asay Sam Bennett The Department of Philosophy announces graduate student award winners. Alex Asay and Sam Bennett both received the Center for Teaching and Learning's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, recognizing students who have demonstrated superior instructional skills in the classroom or lab. Michael Starling Gehad Abdelal and Michael Starling are recipients of the 2022-23 Joseph Bertram Gittler Fellowship awarded annually to Department of Philosophy Graduate students to support their dissertation completion. Congratulations go out to the Department of Philosophy graduate students who have recently successfully defended their theses and dissertations: Alina Ahmed (MA): "Pakistani Mestiza Consciousness, Multiplicity, and Anti Carcerality: How We Move Towards Transfomative Justice as Mestizo People" Marcus Hines (PhD): Metaphysics and Tragedy in Aristotle's "Ideal State" Justin Simpson (PhD): Posthuman Performances in Environmental Ethics and Social Epistemology Justin Simpson Marcus Hines Type of News/Audience: Announcement Graduate Student News