UGA Department of Philosophy presents a Workshop on Philosophies of Nature, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence on Saturday, December 4 beginning at 9:30am in Peabody Hall. The program will run all day featuring a list of speakers on the aforementioned topics and their intersection (see schedule below). The program is in-person as well as online. Online participants can register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqcuGqqj0jH9UCreAZv9yIKvecLeXJ7glc
For more information contact organizer Dr. Piers Stephens at piers@uga.edu.
Workshop on Philosophies of Nature, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence schedule:
9.30-10.00am: Coffee and welcome
10.00-11.00am: Michael Aaron Lindquist (University of Georgia): "Wilderness Values in Outer Space"
11.00am-12noon: Magdalena Holy-Luczaj (University of "Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow Poland): Phenomenology of Nature-Technology Hybrids"
12-12.15pm: Break
12.15-1.15pm: Leslie Paul Thiele (University of Florida): "Nature, Human Nature and Genetic Engineering"
1.15-2.30pm: Lunch
2.30-3.30pm: Josh Gellers (University of North Florida): "Animals, Nature, and Robots: Towards a Critical Environmental Ethic for Non-humans"
3.30-4.30pm: Patrick Hubbard (University of South Carolina): "Uploads of Individual Persons to Machines"
4.30-4.45pm Break
4.45pm-5.45pm: Amber Ross (University of Florida): "Why Opaque AI Will Not Go Away: A Case for Ethical AI Without Complete Transparency"
6.00pm: Workshop Dinner