Wednesday, November 10 2021, 3:30pm online lecture: CDC Reeve Philosophy University of North Carolina CDC Reeve's website Special Information: online lecture link: For Plato all friendships are erotic: they involve the arousal of desire in the way that Socratic questioning arouses the desire for an account of what love and friendship are, and of what the beauty is that attracts love. Without such an account—which has scientific, political, and psychological dimensions—we can neither be good friends and lovers nor know how to tell the truth about love. C.D.C. Reeve is a philosophy professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He works primarily in Ancient Greek philosophy, especially Plato and Aristotle. He is also interested in philosophy generally, and has published work in the philosophy of sex and love, and on film. He has also translated many Ancient Greek texts, mostly by Plato and Aristotle.