Tuesday, October 13 2020, 5:30pm Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/94357447482?pwd=Mm9Md1Q4dWo5SDZ5RjkzQWdkK09rZz09 ID: 943 5744 7482; Passcode: 831769 Special Information: For questions, email dadaniel@uga.edu Four Alumni of both the UGA Department of Philosophy and the UGA School of Law gather for an online panel discussion on "Philosophy & Law" on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Participants include: Mike Loebl (AB Philosophy ’97, JD Law ’00); Adrian Pritchett (AB Philosophy ’05, JD Law ’08); Rory Weeks (AB Philosophy ’08, MA Philosophy ’12, JD Law ’13); and Matt Wells (AB Philosophy ’06 + Certificate in Environmental Ethics, JD Law ’09). UGA Department of Philosophy recently established a Pre-Law Track for undergraduate philosophy majors interested in pursuing a career in law. Faculty from the Department of Philosophy and the UGA School of Law have identified courses within the department that cover material that might be particularly helpful to those pursuing further studies in law. The study of philosophy is highly recommended for students wishing to pursue a career in law as philosophy majors have the second-highest LSAT scores of all majors. The study of philosophy requires analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and reading comprehension—all skills which are evaluated by the LSAT. Additionally, philosophy majors are highly trained in presenting arguments by manipulating language, a core ability required for the study of law. This panel discussion will give students an opportunity to gain real-world perspective from professionals in the field regarding the interrelationship between philosophy and law.